By buying our saffron, you’re giving women in Afghanistan hope.
Aresu Rabbani is the founder of Bibi Safran. Having come to Switzerland over 10 years ago as a refugee from Afghanistan, she knows all too well the plight that women there face. She wants to help her people and home country and what better way than by sharing the amazing saffron?
Not only does saffron have a lot of health benefits but Bibi Safran enables women in Afghanistan a chance to become empowered and earn an income. She’s also currently studying in Zurich and is a translator for asylum seekers.
Auf Farsi bedeutet AWAS „Stimme“. Unser Ziel als gemeinnütziger Verein ist, den afghanischen Frauen in jedem Belangen in Afghanistan und in der Schweiz zu helfen. Wir wollen Näherbringen, Helfen und Unterstützen.